HUNDREDS of 1950s former council homes at Somerford are to be brought up to 21st century standards in the next five years as Twynham Housing Association embarks on a £9.1 million programme of renewals and renovations.

Work has already begun on updating some of the post-war properties inherited by Twynham in 1991 when it acquired the borough's council housing stock of some 1,500 properties, almost half of them on the Somerford estate.

By the end of the year Twynham expects to have fitted 60 new bathrooms and 45 kitchens and the refurbishment programme will eventually cover some 700 houses and flats.

As well as replacing ageing bathrooms and kitchens, properties in need will receive new roofing and updated electrical insulation and wiring to comply with the government's decent homes standard.

Other works include fitting fire alarms and smoke detectors, new windows and doors, garden walls, gates and fences, repointing brickwork and installing modern heating systems.

"Every house in Somerford will be renewed and a small number will be replaced," said Twynham chief executive Greg Lomax, who admitted the refurbishment programme was long overdue.

"The properties at Somerford were built 50 years ago and houses do wear out," he said.

A survey of the properties reports that many of them fail to meet the standard for "thermal comfort" because of poor insulation rather than inadequate heating systems.

Mr Lomax pledged tenants would be given ample notice before work began on their properties - and they would not face increased rents for their improved homes.

"All the feedback we have had so far is that people like what we are doing," he said.

First published: November 15