PURBECK District Council has agreed to stump up extra money in order to keep up with the costs of issuing anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs).

Since 2003 the council, in partnership with the police, has obtained eight ASBOs against youths in various parts of the district, with two more in the pipeline.

ASBOs have won much public support and in Purbeck they are credited with decreasing certain types of crime which are on the increase in other parts of Dorset.

Four ASBO cases are presently in the court system: a case to obtain a first ASBO, one seeking to vary an order, and two others going to appeal to higher courts.

Cllr Tony Miller said: "It is clearly desirable that this good work continues but £20,000 is required in order to continue cases presently before the courts. The indication from the police is that they are also prepared to contribute but this council needs to be seen to make extra money available."

At a full council meeting held recently the query was raised whether £20,000 was enough when the actual costs of current commitments could come to £42,000, depending on whether appeal cases are won or lost.

Funding from the Home Office is rapidly running out and there is only £6,536 left in the budget.

Council officers have written to the district's MPs to explain the council's current financial situation regarding ASBO work.

Purbeck district councillors were told by officers that a bid is being made to secure an additional £23,000 from the Home Office for the remainder of the financial year.

That, along with funding expected from the police, should meet the costs.

First published: November 16