PIRATES fans will be in for a real Antonio Lindback treat if they attend the next Poole Rider Equipment Fund event later this month.

That's because the teenage Swedish sensation will be the star attraction in an eight-minute documentary made by TV programme-maker Transworld Sport that will be the highlight of the get together on Wednesday, November 24.

Transworld Sport, who usually air their wears on Channel Four, had never previously featured a programme or documentary on speedway in its 12-year history, stressed Pirates' press officer Gordon Day.

But they produced the documentary on the young Poole RIAS rider's astonishing rise to stardom during the 2004 season, which received rave reviews from the speedway fraternity.

Now Pirates fans who haven't already seen the documentary get their chance to watch it at Poole Stadium on November 24.

That's when the rider equipment fund host the first of their monthly winter fund raising events, starting at 7.30pm.

The Lindback documentary includes photograph footage of the Brazilian-born rider's early years in South America and his adoption by his parents Ola and Monica Lindback, who took him to live in Sweden.

There is also cine-camera film of a young Lindback skiing - he was an international standard junior racer - and of him competing in speedway at an early age.

It really is a documentary not to miss and will appeal to all Poole fans who haven't been lucky enough to see it on television already.

Lindback won't be at the speedway video evening next week, when television footage of Pirates' charge to an Elite League and Knockout Cup double will also be high on the agenda. But his Poole team-mates Bjarne Pedersen and Magnus Zetterstrom will be there to meet and great the club's supporters.

The duo then stay overnight in the area so that they can switch on Poole's Christmas lights the following night.

Pedersen and Zetterstrom will switch on the lights, with the help of 2CR FM Morning Show presenter Graham Mack, in Falkland Square during a ceremony at about 7pm.

Before that, they will also take part in a candlelight procession from Poole Quay to the square.

Tickets for the rider equipment fund event cost £6 per person and are available from Stan Vatcher on 01202 691143.

All cash raised will be donated to Pirates riders so that it can help them buy equipment to race and represent the club.