BALLSY punk rockers McKinney play Bournemouth watering hole O'Neills on November 17, supported by lovely local lasses The Lillettes.

With just a handful of gigs under their belt, McKinney quickly found favour with the bright young things at London's Death Disco, attracting no lesser luminaries than the Kings of Leon to an early show.

Named after American female rapist Joyce McKinney, the band are quite into the idea of confrontation.

Femme fatale singer Marc Marsh explains: "Let's face it, the music industry tries to give the impression that it's not prejudiced... yeah, right.

"So who is the current rock chick allowed into the little boys club this week - Brody, Ms Cobain? Play by our rules, little ladies, get a tattoo or be hip by association.

"We called the band McKinney to expose this kind of thinking."

So now you know.

Their debut album, entitled Me Me Me, was extremely well received, prompting comparisons to the likes of Blondie and early PJ Harvey.

Meanwhile, The Lillettes continue to ply their (lip)schtick with rare abandon.

The "grrls" (sic) will be using Wednesday's show as something of a warm-up for a BCF benefit gig at King Arthur's Court on Friday November 19.

They've also told us about their Xmas Xtravaganza at the Brixton Windmill on December 4. It seems the charming young ladies have lined up a support slot to Cramps-esque new band Naked Ruby, which they'll play dressed as Satan's Little Helpers.

So now you know even more...