TWO schoolgirls who died in a Halloween party fire were honoured at their joint funeral service.

Peter and Jackie Meadows led tributes to their daughter Mary and granddaughter Laura at the service held on Portland.

Mary, 13, and her six-year-old niece, Laura, were the victims of a house blaze following the party at Laura's home in Corporation Road, Weymouth, earlier this month.

St Andrew's Avalanche Memorial Church at Southwell was filled to overflowing with family, friends, work and school colleagues and representatives of the emergency services.

Many had to stand in the church grounds, to where the service was relayed.

The little church was very dear to Mary's heart and she had been a server, choir member and helper at the Sunday School, which was attended by Laura.

The funeral service was conducted by the Rector of All Saints with St Andrew's, the Reverend Anita Thorne who spoke of how much the two girls had meant to each other, their family and the congregation.

She also wrote and read a Children's Creed especially for them, using words which described their qualities and ending with 'we believe in rainbows and new beginnings'.

Mrs Thorne was assisted by Preston team rector, the Rev Tim West, who was also representing the governors of St Andrew's School in Preston.

Tributes to the girls were paid in verses read by Mrs Thorne which had been written by Mr Meadows. He wrote 'Mary loved her life and family and always tried her best. With her beaming smile, she stood out from the rest'. Of Laura he wrote 'when it came to loving, Laura was one of the best'.

The singing of hymns was led by St Andrew's Church choir and in tribute to the girls' faith and their love of singing and dancing, the final hymn was Lord Of The Dance.

Before the cortege left for a private service at the crematorium, two white doves were released to the words of Over The Rainbow read by Mrs Thorne who added: "This is symbolic of releasing Mary and Laura to freedom, knowing that love never dies - but flies - and lives."

Donations made in memory of the girls will be given to a charitable fund for needy children.

Mrs Meadows said: "That's what Mary would have wanted."