CAMPAIGNERS hope they are close to finally fulfilling their dream of a new arts centre for Dorchester.

Community groups have been patiently fighting to boost the town's facilities for years after a £1.5 million project for a new centre at Poundbury fell down because of a failed Lottery funding bid in 2000.

Now they are pinning their hopes on converting The Maltings on the town's former Eldridge Pope brewery site off Weymouth Avenue into a major community arts and conference centre

The project is made possible by plans for a major development on the site, to include around 600 homes and a new top-class hotel.

Arts centre campaigners are urging West Dorset District Council to grab the chance to help put Dorchester's arts scene back on the map.

A packed meeting of the Dorchester Arts Action Group was attended by more than 120 people, forcing organisers to carry out a last-minute venue switch.

Dr Ian Stuart, a group member, said developer Brewery Square's plan to donate The Maltings for an arts centre had widespread support. "This is something we have wanted to happen for a very long time, and the Maltings plan is a fantastic opportunity," he said.

"Many people are very excited about the plans and it is great that the developers, Brewery Square, have shown enough vision to try and help arts in the town.

"Now it is up to West Dorset District Council to decide whether this project should go forward, and I really hope they listen to what people are saying."

Chairman Clive Gameson said so many people attended the Arts Action Group's last meeting that a last-minute switch to a bigger venue had been necessary. "The meeting had to be transferred to the town hall at the Corn Exchange because so many people wanted to attend," he said.

"Quite a few people said to me that they have never known a meeting like this so well attended in Dorchester."

Members quizzed Brewery Square director Andrew Wadsworth on the plans for the site.

"Whilst the group accepted that the road to a new community arts centre would be difficult, the enthusiasm of the packed audience about the plan was palpable," said Mr Gameson.

A public meeting about the entire development is being held tomorrow where people can have their say on the scheme.

Brewery Square representatives and West Dorset District Council officers will be on hand to answer questions in the West Dorset council chamber from 6.30pm.

A final decision on the proposed development will then be made by West Dorset on December 9.

If you wish to join Dorchester Arts Action Group, call 01305 265575.