IF YOU are determined to party then Poole people have proved the weather doesn't matter a jot.

The thousands of Jubilee joysters who crowded into Poole's massive Party @ the Park might as well have been sheltering under sunhats rather than tents and umbrellas.

Poole's Golden Jubilee celebration, part of the BBC Music Live events, was a riot of red, white and blue and a model of the British habit of making the best of it come rain or shine.

"It's absolutely fantastic and the weather hasn't made a bit of difference at all," said Poole Mayor Graham Mason.

"It's lovely to see so many families with youngsters down here. They are really enjoying themselves," he said.

Sheltering from the showers, under gazebos bought at the last minute, was a street party of 45 from North Road which brought famlies and friends together from all over the country.

Organiser Cathy Thompson said: "Everybody is making the most of it. What can you do?" as her flag-bedecked party, aged from three to 94 ate fish and chips and enjoyed themselves amid the live music, entertainment, games and famliy fun.

Decked out in her Buckingham Palace poncho was her mum Margaret Morley, celebrating her 71st birthday, who, with Cathy, attended the Saturday night classical concert in the Palace grounds. "It was fabulous," said Mrs Morley. And it brought back memories of the Queen's Coronation and standing out in The Mall.

Memories were also rife among a party of 50 people from St Peter's Church, Parkstone, accompanied by the Rector the Rev Nigel Lloyd.

"I was in France for the Coronation and I wasn't going to miss out on the Golden Jubilee, said Vivien Galloway, 69, of Twemlow Avenue.

"In Poitiers we went down to the town hall and borrowed the Union Jacks and marched down the main street. I think they thought it was a take-over," she said.

"I think our royal family, particularly the Queen, is the envy of the world," said Sylvia Cook, adding that no one could put on a show like the British.

After weeks of rehearsals Turlin Moor children and their families and the Sainsbury family belted out their section of the song All You Need Is Love, accompanied by Panelinha do Samba, which put Poole on national TV.