OPPONENTS of plans to build homes in a pub car park are celebrating winning the first round in what could be a prolonged fight against Inntown Properties Limited.

New Forest District Council rejected the company's plans for nine terraced houses n the car park at the Carpenters Arms, Bransgore.

Planning agent Jerry Davies said he had yet to speak to Inntown's Martin Bailey about the next step.

He said: "It's a matter of finding a scheme that is acceptable to the planning authority."

Bransgore Residents Association chairman Bill Cotton was delighted the plans had been refused but warned: "If it goes to appeal we shall fight it. We shall raise funds in the village, take advice and fight the appeal."

Mr Cotton said 547 people had written letters objecting to the plans.

Another 150 people had signed petitions and a fortnight ago a meeting about the issues had filled the village hall to bursting point.

"That was the largest meeting in the village for about 25 years. There's been a real wave of acceptance of the need to oppose it," he said.

"We're not against development and we do need houses, especially for people who don't have much in the way of resources to get on the property ladder.

"But it has got to be done sensibly and with the agreement of local people."

Inntown say they will provide alternative parking at the rear of the pub.

But Mr Cotton said 21 spaces proposed was not enough. During a recent Sunday 56 cars had been crammed in and around the existing car park.

In addition, opponents are worried about the risk to a protected 300-year-old yew tree and the loss of the children's play area at the back of the pub.

The council planning development committee unanimously refused the application.

First published: November 17