TWO Blandford teenagers raided a flat a total of five times while the occupant lay asleep in bed, a court heard.

John Jason O'Donoghue, 19, of Magnolia Court, West Street, and a 16-year-old youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, both pleaded guilty at Blandford Magistrates Court to a charge of burglary.

Prosecutor Richard Oakley told the court the two teenagers had been walking to O'Donoghue's flat on West Street at around 2.30am on October 28, when they spotted an insecure door to another flat on the same road.

They then entered the flat and began stealing a range of items, including hi-fi equipment, video tapes, jewellery, a mobile phone, bottles of alcohol and clothes.

CCTV footage captured the pair taking goods back to O'Donoghue's flat and then returning for more several times over an hour. On the last occasion, the occupant of the flat woke up and found the two defendants standing over his bed.

He recognised O'Donoghue and stolen items were later found at the 19-year-old's home address.

When police later arrested the pair, they both admitted carrying out the burglary.

Defending O'Donoghue, Simon Brimacombe said the offence had "hardly been a professional operation", and the defendant had co-operated fully with police since being arrested.

The 16-year-old youth was due to appear before Weymouth Youth Court this week, while O'Donoghue has been sent for sentencing at Bournemouth Crown Court on December 31.

First published: November 17