THE plaque of the new type 23 frigate, HMS Portland, was presented to town mayor Les Ames who received it on behalf of Portland town council during his recent visit to the ship in Glasgow.

Coun Ames was given a conducted tour of the vessel and was later guest of the ship's officers at the inaugural Trafalgar Day Dinner where he was presented with the plaque.

Another surprise was in store for him when he learned that the crew had held a video horse-racing evening, along with dockyard workers, and the two teams decided to donate the profits to the Islanders Cub for Young People, so Coun Ames received a total of £450 for the Islanders.

He said: "HMS Portland is due to be commissioned in late spring and from discussions I had with the officers the signs are looking hopeful that she will visit Portland. I have also been in touch with Portland Port who say that they will welcome HMS Portland."

Coun Ames presented the plaque to the council at the full meeting held last Wednesday.