A DORSET widow whose determination helped put her husband's killers behind bars has vowed to fight on to keep them in jail.

Heather Saunders helped bring down one of Europe's most notorious terrorist organisations after her husband was gunned down at pointblank range in Greece.

Now news that members of the November 17 organisation are appealing against life sentences imposed two years ago has infuriated the grieving mother of two.

Mrs Saunders campaigned for action after her 52-year-old husband, Brigadier Stephen Saunders, was killed in a drive-by shooting in Athens in 2000.

The UK's military attache to the Greek capital was wrongly accused of involvement in decisions about the bombing of Kosovo.

Brigadier Saunders was the last victim of November 17's 30-year reign of terror.

In 2003, 15 members were jailed but now it has been revealed that their appeals against life sentences will be heard in court later this year.

Mrs Saunders, 48, of Melbury Osmond, said: "I am determined to be there to ensure our efforts to put them in jail were worthwhile."

Following the death of her husband, Mrs Saunders told the Daily Echo: "It makes me cross to think of a wonderful wasted life. This is no ordinary death.

"He didn't have cancer or go to war. They sought him out and murdered him.

"We give terrorists excuses to get away with things. What side is the law on?"

Brigadier Saunders left two daughters, Nicola and Catherine.

First published: May 10