SOME of Bridport's major outstanding issues are set to be resolved in the coming year, Sandra Brown told town councillors when she was installed as the new mayor last night.

A site for the town's controversial waste transfer station and a start date for the long awaited new Mountjoy School were amongst items she hoped would finally get on the starting blocks.

In her delivered at the traditional mayor making ceremony in the town hall, Coun Brown said talks would also continue about the proposed new medical centre and plans were under way for further development at West Bay.

"I know that not everyone is in favour of that because they don't want to see West Bay changed," she said. "But although I have a lot of sympathy with this we do have to move on carefully and sympathetically. If nothing ever changed we would still be living in caves."

Coun Brown also echoed council leader Charles Wild's concerns over the deteriorating state of relations with West Dorset District Council.

"During the past few months I have been saddened by the apparent breakdown in communication between us which is causing much concern to the inhabitants of the town," she said.

But Coun Brown said that Coun Wild and town clerk Ron Gregory were to meet district council chiefs soon to try and resolve the problems.

"This is indeed a step in the right direction and I hope some of the present difficulties can be overcome," she said.

"Working together is what life is all about and although the role of the Mayor is somewhat different now compared to five years ago I shall still keep a watchful eye on things and hope to see some improvement."

Coun Brown, who previously served a two-year term as Mayor until 2001, said she had not expected to hold the office again, succeeding Coun Geoff Ackerman.

"But my fellow councillors had different ideas and I just hope that I have the stamina to justify their faith in me," she continued.

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time as Mayor before but I was not a county councillor at that time and I shall need all the support I can get from my friends to see me through this next year.

"I want to see the town move forward over the next 12 months as I'm sure we all do. This council and the staff at Mountfield, both indoor and outdoor, work very hard for Bridport. I hope that in between the work we can all enjoy the various events which are being arranged."