• WHEN I dropped into the Church Rooms during a training session for the Community Angels I was surprised at the large number of local residents attending, as you can see from the photograph.

The Community Angels, the brainchild of Rev Tim West, set out to offer practical and emotional support to - and by - the people of Preston by being on hand to help with those small tasks that can make such a difference to everyone’s lives, particularly those elderly, lonely or more vulnerable.

The scheme went ‘live’ last month under its coordinator, Curate Daile Wilshere, and already has 35 volunteers, most of whom have already received the necessary training and checks.

If you would like to help with this marvellous local initiative, ring 05601 792905 for more details, or drop in to the Church Rooms, like I did, on a Tuesday or Thursday between 1pm and 3pm for a without obligation chance to meet some of the volunteers. They will be delighted to see you.

  • FOR THOSE keen on walking, the next Team walk will start from the far end of the car park at Langton Herring at 11am on Saturday, 20 June.

You should take a packed lunch; further details can be obtained from Marion (260582) or Diane (761975). I passed near there on a long charity walk recently and can recommend the views.

Also the next in a series of walks planned to take place within the South Dorset Ridgeway Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty will take place in and around Sutton Poyntz starting at 2pm on Wednesday, 15 July. For further details visit www.dorsetaonb.org.uk.

  • THE SECOND Preston and Sutton Poyntz Garden Party will take place on Saturday, 20 June between 11am and 3pm in the Rectory Garden just left past the Scutt Hall in Sutton Road.

Those of you who went to the first one two years ago will remember what a marvellous local event it was, with a wide range of activities for young and old alike.

For example a young audience and I were enthralled by Andy Nineham’s magic tricks, and the grand opening by Ed Hinz promises to be the start of another great day out.

All proceeds – entry is £1 for adults (under 14s free) - go to the Village, Scutt and Mission Halls and the Church Rooms, and the groups that meet in these put on a show that is guaranteed to entertain, so don’t miss it.