• THE HENNESSY family have supported the scout movement in the Scutt Hall for over 50 years, so it was an appropriate venue for a very special event.

Following a recent holiday in New Zealand where Betty Hennessey fell very ill and spent a period in intensive care in hospital, it was a relief to see her home and well enough to attend her 80th birthday party in the company of many of her family and friends from the village and within scouting.

Betty’s contribution to scouting was recently recognised when she was invited by the Queen to a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

She has spent 78 years in Weymouth, initially in Upwey, before marrying Charles in 1951 and moving to Sutton Road.

In a packed Scutt Hall which included all five of her surviving brothers and sisters, four of her five sons, Glen, Jonathon, Keith and Barry - Chris is still poorly after his motor cycle accident – and most of her 10 grandchildren everyone enjoyed a marvellous buffet prepared by family members.

Jon then proposed a champagne toast to Betty and the evening continued with a disco dance, karaoke and much reminiscing.

I know that I speak for every one of her many friends when I wish her many happy returns for her 80th and health and happiness in the future.

  • THE ST ANDREW’S School 200 Club draw took place in Miss Brooker’s Year 3 class.

The first prize of £50, drawn by Samuel Tubb, went to E Kepple, the £30 prize drawn by James Davis to Sarah Breaks and the £15 prize drawn by Lauren Powell to Julie Witt.

All the proceeds raised are used to provide items for the children, so if you would like to help, give Mel a ring on 832467 – it costs as little as £1 a month.

  • MEMBERS of the St Andrew’s Church Gardening Club enjoyed an illustrated talk on growing climbers and wall plants by Mrs Christine Brain, the National Trust's gardener at Barrington Court in Somerset.

Many of her slides showed plants within the Tudor walls at Barrington.

The five Easter biscuits competition was won by Mrs Alison White and the exhibit of the month by Mrs Sheila Snuggs.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 20 May when a Gardens Group Gold Club speaker will be talking on “Gardening for Climate Change.”

The competitions will be the usual exhibit of the month and any specimen from a flowering shrub.