
  • GOLDEN couple Keith and Mary Loveless were treated to a special service after villagers organised a surprise celebration.

Keith, 77, and Mary, 71, were married at St John’s church in Tolpuddle in March 1959, after growing up together in the village.

Mary said: “We used to go dancing to Ansty, on a bus that started in Bere Regis and went around the villages picking people up. We danced together and I suppose we gradually fell in love.

“We’re still in love now, although your relationship changes over the years, and you know what each other is thinking.”

Keith was born at Hammett’s House on the eastern side of the village, and Mary was born at Beechcote.

They have many memories of how the village was in the days when it had a bakery, with warm bread being delivered to the houses, a shop that stocked all the groceries plus paraffin, and a post office that sold sweets, lemonade, tobacco and cigarettes.

The village was then much smaller, with around 60 houses and three farms.

They have always lived in the village, and have two grown-up children, Adrian and Teresa, and three grandchildren, Alice, Joe, and Louis.

Keith and Mary have been stalwart supporters of the church and village events, always helping at everything. They have also hosted many fundraising events at their home, in later years for the Shaftesbury Society, which helps the Victoria Special School in Poole, which grandson Louis attended.

Keith has been a parish councillor for many years, and was also chairman of the governors of Puddletown First School. He was also a churchwarden at St John’s for over 30 years.

Mary was also secretary of the PCC for over 30 years.

A recent family communion service at St John’s church was taken by Rev Roy Bennett, and he took the theme of love for the service to celebrate Keith and Mary’s special anniversary.

Mary said: “It was a lovely service – we were so surprised, as we didn’t know what was being organised.”

  • GARDENS all over Puddletown are to open to the public on Sunday, June 21 from 11am until 5pm in aid of St Mary’s church funds.

Car parking is available, and maps can be obtained at the village hall.

Lunches and teas will be served, and there will be a plant sale and plant crèche.

For further details, contact Eric House on 01305 848364 or Jim and Diana Wilson on 848510.

  • A FUNNY Way to Get a Piano is the title of a talk given by Don Low to the Puddletown Society on Wednesday, May 13 at 7.30pm in the church room.

Everyone is welcome to come along and hear what it is all about!

Once again, the society is sponsoring a photographic competition at the carnival coffee morning on Saturday, July 4.

The subject for the competition this year is Puddletown Weather.

  • THE surgery is holding another of its highly popular patient education sessions on Thursday, May 21 at the sports pavilion.

It is a men-only night, and Dr Chris Burnham will address issues men may have regarding their health.

The bar will be open.

  • ON TUESDAYS, the surgery has an advisor present from the Citizens’ Advice Bureau.

Patients at the practice who are experiencing problems requiring some help, do ring and make an appointment.

The Citizens’ Advice Bureau offers a wide range of support and information in many areas.

They can give advice on dealing with debts, financial problems, benefits, and how to cope if your employment circumstances change.

In the current economic climate, many people are facing these problems and may benefit from this support and advice.

The advice is completely confidential and free.


  • WINNERS for the March draw of the 150 club in aid of the village hall refurbishment fund were: 1st £20 Ron Taylor, 2nd £15 Joe Cox, 3rd £10 Jo and Andy Trayfoot, 4th £5 Ian Parrot.
  • SUE Chapman is seeking a volunteer to take over the Christian Aid collection in Tolpuddle.

Sue has been organising this house-to-house collection for a number of years, and would now like to hand this over to someone else.

As the village has generously donated between £200 and £300 annually for Christian Aid, it would be a shame if the collection were not to continue.

Christian Aid week runs from Sunday, May 10 to Saturday, May 14, during which time the envelopes have to be delivered and collected.

Pleaase contact Sue urgently on 01305 848053 so that she can let the local Christian Aid co-ordinator know that the collection in Tolpuddle will continue.

Sue would like to express thanks to everyone who has donated so generously, and also those people who have helped her with the collection of the envelopes each year.