MAY is the time for planning and planting up your garden with flowers and produce for enjoying over the summer months.

This is to remind you all of the two big plant sales, annual events, which are nearly upon us so do come along and stock up on your young plants at very reasonable prices.

The first plant sale is being organised by the Chesil Bank Garden Club on Saturday, May 2 with the doors opening for the sale to commence at 10.00am in the village hall.

The second plant sale will be in Friar Waddon on Thursday May 7 and proceeds will go to the RBLI but I will give you more detailed information next week.

  • JUST to let all the residents of Portesham and the hamlets know that David Blackwell was voted in as our new Portesham Parish Councillor at the elections on April 16th. The Returning Officer commented that the turn out was high at over 40% for a Parish Council vacancy and indicates a healthy interest in local matters that affect us all. David promises to represent all the people who live in the parish of Portesham to the best of his abilities. He promises to make the village an even more pleasant place to live in and enjoy, and to support all residents who require his help. If there are any matters you wish to discuss with him please feel free to email to or telephone on 871239. Good luck David in your new capacity.
  • I met up with Sarah Pilcher, our local police community support officer (PCSO 5410) at a recent Village Café, which she pops into if she is on duty in the area.

She visits the school as often as is possible to meet the children and will be on duty to help them across the road when they have a Church visit (they have a Church visit today Monday, April 27 at 10.30am) and Rev. Ada wants to make their outings to the Church a regular one for the children.

Sarah also walks round the village at least every couple of weeks and the Community van will be in Portesham in the village hall car park on Thursday, July 9 between 11.30am and 1.00pm.

Do pop along and say hello and discuss any worries or concerns that you may have with her or just have a chat - you will be made very welcome.

She hopes to set up a coffee surgery in the village if she can find a venue, but holds various surgeries in Tearooms in Abbotsbury If you cannot make the visit of the van but wish to talk to Sarah, please contact her on 01305 226815.

  • ALSO do not forget the Village Walking Group have their monthly walk on Thursday, May 7 leaving Winters Close at 10.00am. I understand that the walk is planned for starting at Higher Bothenhampton and walking around the Puddletown Forest, but I will let you know more details next week.