A SERIES of events have been planned to raise even more cash for the Grace Secondary School in Sudan.

Dorchester couple Richard and Claire Budd have raised more than £36,000 since August for the project in the remote Nuba mountains since August.

The school’s foundations are currently being dug out but more fundraising events are on the way.

BBC wildlife expert Chris Packham has a show at the Corn Exchange, Dorchester, on April 23 at 7.30pm.

Tickets are £10 and all profits will go towards the school.

Dorset folk stars The Yetties are taking to the stage at the Corn Exchange for a May Day party on May 1, from 7.30pm.

And performers including mezzo-soprano Sophia Grech and US trumpet ace John Holt will join Dorchester pupils for a classical fundraiser on May 14.

Call Claire Budd on 07764 335892 or visit GraceSecondarySchool.com.