PETE Smith, Weymouth pub landlord says: “WHEN we were refurbishing the old British Legion club in King Street and turning it into a pub we tried to use as many of the old materials as possible.

“Rather than throwing timber away and buying new stuff we recycled what we could.

“I also changed the old light fittings to accommodate low energy light bulbs, creating a huge saving.

“The function room at the back used to consume 4,080 watts – that’s now reduced to 688 watts.

“The front bar used to consume 1,280 watts and that’s down to 204 watts.

“The bulbs are cheap too – I got three for £1 at a local supermarket.

“The only issue I have with low energy bulbs is that you can’t dim them.

“We create only a small amount of waste because we don’t do food and I’m disappointed I can’t take it for recycling at Lodmoor – it goes in the wheelie bin which ends up in landfill.

“I appreciate if every business in Weymouth used Lodmoor it would be mayhem but it’s better than polluting the planet, right?”