BY DAY computer wizard Russell Andrews works nine-to-five at Tecan on Weymouth’s Granby Industrial Estate.

But by night he goes all Derren Brown on the seaside resort and turns to his number one passion – magic.

Now the hardworking dad-of-two, also a part-time barman, is hoping to pursue his beloved craft as a full-time career.

“Magic is a massive part of my life,” he said. “It’s what I am and what I do.

“I really want to go full-time now. There’s not many other jobs out there in which I could have so much fun.”

Russell, 28, stumbled across his love for magic five years ago while working 12-hour security shifts at Weymouth train station.

He said: “I bought a tin of card tricks for a laugh and I wanted to know more.

“So I got hold of this book, the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, and started learning more from that.

“It snowballed from there and I went mad on magic. I bought books, DVDs, the lot.”

Russell, of Buxton Road, began performing for waiting passengers and revellers in Weymouth’s bars.

Last year he met psychological illusionist Derren Brown after one of the star’s shows in Bristol.

Russell said: “It was worth the hour’s wait in the rain for the chance to speak to him.

“Derren told me to get on stage and do what I do best and so I did – and I got to perform at Weymouth Pavilion in front of a packed house.

“I’d never done a stage act until that night and was really nervous, but I managed to put on a great show.”

Russell has just returned from auditioning for hit show Britain’s Got Talent – the result of which he’ll learn in January.

Meanwhile he is working hard – at Tecan and Wyke Smugglers – and enjoying a regular Friday night slot at Rusty Lanes in Weymouth.

“That’s the best bit of the job, freaking people out and seeing their faces is great,” he said.

“Lately I’ve turned my interest into creating new effects of my own – I spend hours designing and playing with ideas to come up with new weapons of amazement.”

Russell is hoping to make a career out of his dream – and take care of magic-mad son Brandon-Lei, eight, and little daughter Kaiya, two, along the way.

He added: “I really want to provide for my family by doing what I love.

“I want to get as many gigs as possible. Hopefully next year I’m going to get a contract with Bourne Leisure doing all the holiday camps, which would be fantastic.”

Pal Dave Lane, who helps partner Vicky Reynolds run American-themed bar Rusty Lanes, said Russell is ‘fantastic’.

He said: “Russell would love to do magic full-time and we really believe he has got what it takes to achieve his dream.”

For more information, contact Russell on 07526 049404 or email