We made our way up the M1 and then onto the M45, which amazingly seemed absolutely empty. We parked the car and walked though the park to the pool. This was another pool that had an indoor pool running alongside the outdoor lido. The staff was all friendly and inviting and having deposited our clothes in a locker we walked out to the pool. This was very freeform indeed and again my stroke counting came in useful as I was able to decide that it was 20 metres at its extremities and 80 lengths were required. As there was no definite line we kept crisscrossing in the middle but somehow managing to avoid each other. With the swim complete we returned to the changing room to discover that Dave had dropped the key to our locker somewhere in the pool. We did a search of the pool to no avail and were just about to leave and tell reception that we would have to use their master key when one of the youngsters called after us. He had found it: what a star! We then had a picnic in the park before driving to our last lido of the summer.