A NORTH Dorset school is asking to retain a modular classroom building which was installed without planning consent.

The application for Spetisbury Primary School in the High Street comes from the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust.

It says that the building has slipped and distorted on its supporting base making it now difficult to open and close doors and windows.

The Trust is now seeking planning consent for the structure and wants to lift it up and move it to a new concrete base which should increase its stability.

The existing building, put in place in the summer of 2023, replaced a previous modular building of similar size, which did have a planning consent dating from 2006.

The 2023 building is in at the southwest corner of the school site and was installed on stacked GRP crates in a grid pattern, placed under structural posts/columns, with the number of crates increased to follow the natural contour of the site and provide a level building.

The school plans to temporarily lift the modular building away from its current location, install new concrete pad foundations and blockwork piers in place of the GRP crates, and then place the modular building back in its original location.

The full details of the application can be seen on the Dorset Council website - P/FUL/2024/05753 : Spetisbury Va Ce Primary School High Street Spetisbury DT11 9DF. Retain modular classroom building, installation of new concrete foundations & blockwork piers.