SPECTATORS weren’t put off by a wet start to Weymouth Beach Motocross as they turned out in their thousands to watch the races.

It’s thought the event would be a washout after torrential rain yesterday morning but it began to clear by the afternoon.

The free event, which began in 1984, celebrated its 40-year anniversary with a fantastic line-up of races, family-friendly activities, and fundraising efforts for the Weymouth Lions Club.

It is one of the biggest amateur motorcycle association events of the year.

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Organised by the Lions Club and the Purbeck Motocross Association, proceedings on Sunday, October 20 started with the course being created at around 7am.

A two minute silence were observed at 11.25am for Mark Lockie, a past district governor of the Lions Club, and Paul Hardy, a much-loved motocross commentator before a practice session. Races then began at 1pm, with mayor Cllr Jon Orrell starting the first race. 

Despite fears that weather could cancel the event, it was standing room only for the races with rain clearing up around midday. Spectators were even sat on cars, stood on benches and the walls of Alexandra Gardens to get a good view of the festivities on display.

Spectators vying for a good view of the action on Weymouth BeachSpectators vying for a good view of the action on Weymouth Beach (Image: Alfie Lumb) There were also stalls selling sweets, toys, bikes, as well as a host of food and snacks. There was also a bouncy castle, a few fairground games, and stalls from Blood Bikes, the RNLI and Wessex Home Start. Collections were also being taken for the Lions Club. 

Spectators vying for a good view of the action on Weymouth BeachSpectators vying for a good view of the action on Weymouth Beach (Image: Alfie Lumb) Ryan Hope, president of the Weymouth Lions Club, said: “After what was a challenging start, the spectators turned up, the riders are performing and the donations are going well.

"It’s not just a great boost for the charity, but also a big boost for the town.

“We’re celebrating 40 years of the event on Weymouth beach and have marked that with four different race categories, including the veterans, made up of people aged 40 and over.

“We’re looking to return the event next year already, with more racing and more bikes than ever.

“We’d like to say thank you to the Purbeck Motocross Club who are involved with us every year, and of course our sponsors.”

There was a short delay to proceedings due to the tide, and admitting fears over concerns for the weather in the lead up to the event, Mr Hope added that the organisers ‘had a few sleepless nights’ up until the weekend which were eased on race day.

Phoenix Schofield, from Poundbury, was visiting with his friend Tyler Scott, from Charmouth. Mr Schofield said: “I came down at around 10am to make sure I got a good spot.

Phoenix Schofield and Tyler Scott at the Weymouth Beach RacePhoenix Schofield and Tyler Scott at the Weymouth Beach Race (Image: Alfie Lumb) “It’s a once in a year opportunity to come down and see local motocross riding, and it’s for charity. It’s nice to see a mix of ages both spectating and taking part- it really makes a difference to watch how different riders react.”

Mr Scott, who had a family member competing in one of the races, said it was a ‘proud’ moment to see them on the track. He said: “It’s really nice to get involved with the sport at events like this.”

Dan, Kerri-Anne and Rex Holley were visiting from Lyme Regis. Mr Holley said: “We’ve been to around three or four of these events on the beach now as my lad’s into motocross and he’s been really enjoying it today.”

Dan, Kerri-Anne and Rex Holley at the Weymouth Motocross Beach RaceDan, Kerri-Anne and Rex Holley at the Weymouth Motocross Beach Race (Image: Alfie Lumb) Paul Jones and his family were also enjoying the display. They live in Weymouth and again came to watch the proceedings due to their motocross mad son.

Paul Jones and family enjoying the Weymouth Motocross Beach RacePaul Jones and family enjoying the Weymouth Motocross Beach Race (Image: Alfie Lumb)