This letter writer is voicing his concern at the 'frightening' emissions of two massive cruise ships that called in at Portland Port this past week.

ON TUESDAY there were two cruise ships in Portland.

The MSC Virtuoso and the Rotterdam, beautiful ships, were alongside the deep water berth bringing wealth to the local economy.

However the exhaust emissions being thrown up from these giants was frightening to see.

The reason being that there is insufficient shore-side electricity to let them switch off their engines.

READ: MSC Virtuosa and Rotterdam call into Portland Port

MSC Virtuosa and Rotterdam at Portland Port earlier this weekMSC Virtuosa and Rotterdam at Portland Port earlier this week (Image: Justin Ayton)

Were such power available it is likely that more ships would visit the port.

Triple filtered emissions from the waste incinerating power station would be less harmful to the environment than what is coming from these ships.

Rod Wild [in the emission zone]


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