A man who ran around naked, banging on windows and shouting, before punching a police officer has been given a conditional discharge.

Jake Lloyd pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place and assault by beating of an emergency worker.

The charges refer to an incident on April 4, on Harvest Hill in Charminster where Lloyd, 25, was behaving disorderly while drunk and assaulted a police officer.

Laura Lohk, prosecuting, said: “Police were informed that there was a naked man banging on windows, shouting and being aggressive.

“They were advised he was attempting to damage property.

“Police arrived and residents were angry, the defendant was in one resident’s garden and they were worried he would break something.

“Police went through the house to the garden where they could hear a male shouting.

“They tried to calm him down but the defendant lashed out and hit an officer.

“As he was wearing no clothes, they tried to assist him to put his clothes back on.

“When he was placed in the van, police were advised he had drunk a large amount of alcohol and had taken cocaine.

“Throughout the journey to the police station, Lloyd was shouting threats and insults to people who were not there.

“In custody, he thought one officer was various different people from his past.

“He was placed in a cell where he was seen and heard shouting, pacing, spitting and licking the windows.

“He was interviewed by police where he admitted to the assault.

“He was given a disposal order by police with conditions to take a course, not to re-offend and to pay compensation.

“However he failed to adhere to the requirements as he did not complete the course or pay compensation.”

Kenny Sharpe, mitigating, said: “Lloyd was in a long-term relationship for around four years.

“They broke up in December and he struggled to understand why it ended.

“His life had been good but following the breakup, his mental health took a plunge.

“He turned to drugs and alcohol.

“In an interview, he had no recollection, he does not remember taking cocaine.

“He said: ‘ I am ashamed of myself’.

“This incident represents the lowest ebb of his mental health.

“He has made remarkable progress since then and got a job as a groundworker.

“I asked why the out-of-court disposal did not work, he said he could not leave the house, his benefits had been sanctioned and he did not have the £100 to sign on to the course.

“If he had the money, he would have avoided court.

“He just did not have the money within those 28 days.

“He said he is very regretful and embarrassed.”

Lloyd, of Eastland Road in Yeovil, was given a conditional discharge for assaulting an emergency worker and was not punished for the charge of drunk and disorderly behaviour.

He was ordered to pay court costs of £85, a surcharge of £26 and compensation to the police officer of £100.

David Ruston, chair of the Magistrates’ bench said: “We are giving you the benefit of the doubt as we were persuaded by your efforts to rehabilitate yourself.”