A man says he made a "silly mistake" after he was caught with knives in his car, the court heard. 

Andrew March, 55, appeared at Weymouth Magistrates Court, where he pleaded guilty to two counts of possessing a knife blade/ sharp pointed article in a public place and one count of possessing an offensive weapon in public. 

All of these charges refer to an incident which happened on February 23, 2024.

Christina Norgan, prosecuting, told the court that police located a blue Range Rover on Beverly Road, Littlemoor, Weymouth. 

As reported, officers carried out a search of the car under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and found a flick knife, Stanley knife and blades which were attached to coffee stirrers. 

Blades seized by armed police officers Blades seized by armed police officers (Image: Dorset Police)

March was subsequently arrested.

During the interview, March, of Bartletts Place, Yeovil, claimed he had the items to help him fix wiring inside the car. 

Appearing unrepresented, he told the magistrates: "I'm very sorry. It was a silly mistake. 

"I didn’t hide anything from police. I was using them as tools. It was stupidity on my behalf."

He also added how he was "frightened" at the prospect of going to jail, describing how his mobility isn't good and how he feared he would be picked on. 

Colin Weston, chair of the magistrates' bench, told the defendant: "Knife crime is a problem right now across the country. 

"So I'm going to make a suspended custodial sentence of four months. We are prepared to suspend it under the condition you do not commit another offence in the next 12 months."

The defendant will be required to stay at his home address between the hours of 8pm and 7am. He will also be electronically monitored whilst under curfew for four months. 

March must also pay a £85 in court costs and surcharge of £154.