A drunk man swore and attacked a police officer during an arrest, the court heard.

Andrew Robinson, aged 27, of no fixed abode, plead guilty at Weymouth Magistrates Court to assault by beating of an emergency worker and using threatening words with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress. 

These charges refer to an incident which took place on July 13, 2024.

Cristina Norgan, prosecuting, said: "On the day in question at half two in the afternoon on Saturday, July 13, the defendant went into the Tesco store in Weymouth.

"He was heard by a security guard saying f*** you and f*** off to an unknown person in the store. He was then escorted away by security guards.

"He returned two hours later and was found to be drunk."

The court heard how Robinson was "aggressive to a local BID ranger who tried to escort Robinson from the store.

After being escorted from the store again, he had to be taken to the floor by the ranger when he tried to re-enter. 

Ms Norgan added: "A police officer attends, finds him on the floor and tries to handcuff him. 

"The defendant grabbed hold of his arm and gouged his fingernails into the left wrist causing scratches in the skin. He was described as abusive and was swearing while police were in attendance."

She also cited a witness statement, describing how many shoppers had to "walk over" Robinson and his actions had a "alarming impact" on members of the public. It was also stated that children were also present at the time. 

The court was told that Robinson was convicted in 2019 for drunk driving and in 2018 for assaulting a police officer. 

The defendant was unrepresented in court. 

Colin Weston, chair of the magistrates' bench, told the defendant: "These offences are so serious we did consider a custodial sentence. However we are making a community order of 18 months. 

"This would have been twelve months but we have uplifted it because of the effect it had on an emergency worker. "

Robinson must also complete 20 rehabilitation activity requirement (RAR) days. He was also given a 90 day alcohol monitoring requirement. 

He must pay a surcharge of £114, court costs of £85 and £100 in compensation to the police officer he attacked.