A man found with a cocktail of drugs in his system and a crack pipe in his car has been banned from the road. 

Daniel Sibley, 52, appeared at Weymouth Magistrates Court where he pleaded guilty to two offences of driving a vehicle while over the legal limit for a controlled drug.

It was in relation to an incident on June 27, 2024.

Christina Norgan, prosecuting, told the court that police had received information that a Ford Focus, being driven in Reading, Berkshire, had links to drug-driving. 

Officers managed to pull the car over to speak to the driver of the vehicle. While conducting a search, a crack pipe was found in the driver's door pocket. Sibley then admitted that he was a drug user. 

Arising from same incident, officers also found a silver blade and an axe in the car.

For these offences, he was separately charged with possession of a knife blade / sharp pointed article and on June 28, he was sentenced to 21 weeks in prison suspended for twelve months. 

A roadside drug wipe was also done where he was tested positive for cocaine. 

He was arrested and a later blood sample revealed that he had 31 micrograms of cocaine per millimetre in his blood - above the legal limit of ten. 

Benzoylecgonine, a major metabolite of cocaine, was also found in Sibley’s blood at a level more than sixteen times the legal limit at 800 micrograms per litre, above the legal limit of 50 micrograms.

Morphine and methadone was also found in his blood sample although these were below the specified limit. 

Officers also described the defendant to be showing "strange behaviour" while in the police van, appearing to sway on the spot and losing balance on some occasions. 

They also noticed that he was "very restless" and constantly fidgeting. 

Mr Brasier, mitigating, said there was no evidence that Sibley was "swaying" or "behaving erratically" on the road and that officers are merely describing their "impression" of the defendant. 

He then told the court that Sibley had driven from Dorchester to Reading to take a friend to hospital and there was no suggestion that he had been driving in a "inappropriate fashion."

Mr Brasier added: "He has been clean of drugs in the past but unfortunately because of circumstances he has fallen back into it.

"However, he engages with REACH (drug and alcohol services) to manage his heroin addiction."

Sibley, of Damers Road, Dorchester, was fined £120 (£60 for each offence) and £48 in surcharge. He has also been disqualified from driving for 24 months.