This worried letter writer is making a plea to cyclists not to speed along Weymouth prom now summer restrictions are over

IT’S October and, all of a sudden, the shape of the seafront has changed.

The family attractions have been folded up and taken away; the catering huts have been dismantled and put into winter storage, resulting in a massive area of empty sands and pebbles.

While up on the Esplanade there are fewer pedestrians than the crowded conditions during the peak summer months. Having set the scene, now comes the warning!

The end of September signals the beginning of October when cyclists have no restrictions.

They’re now within their rights to share the prom with walkers and, because there are no restrictions, it appears they can speed along as fast as they like, blissfully unaware that fast speeds are a potential danger to all.

READ MORE: Letter: Transport hub needed for new Weymouth M&S 

While no law is in place can I, on behalf of others, appeal to cyclists (1) to exercise consideration to all (2) to stop weaving in and out at speed and (3) to have the courtesy to sound their bell as approach and pass other users.

May I also suggest the authorities consider foot patrols to stop and advise inconsiderate cyclists.

I’m no killjoy, but I do worry about the safety issues. It seems almost that this time of the year poses more danger than in summer months when speed is less possible by cyclists.

Dave Johnston

Newberry Road, Weymouth