A REQUEST to keep thirty storage containers on a Chickerell farm site has been turned down by Dorset Council.

Many of the units have been on the site, without planning consent, since December 2019, according to an application to now authorise their use - with the site operating from 7.30am until 7pm in the week, and from 8am at weekends.

An planning request last year for up to 109 storage containers and using a redundant barn for storage on the site was also refused.

Planners decided that the use of the site, as proposed, was out of character in an agricultural landscape , recognised as Land of Local Landscape Importance in the Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan. Similar reasons are given for the refusal of the latest application for the shipping containers already on the site, including some alongside a public right of way.

Said a planning officer report; “the shipping containers are alien features that clearly detract from the quality of the local area.”

Full details of the application and council report can be seen on the Dorset Council website using the application reference, below.

P/FUL/2024/02913 : Land Known as Coldharbour Farm Coldharbour Chickerell DT3 4BG. Retention of No. 30 storage containers (Retrospective Application). Refused.