Two folk singers will be teaming up for a special performance celebrating the autumn season. 

Dorchester-based folk singer Alastair Braidwood and folk musician Tim Laycock will be returning to a cider museum for evening of stories, songs and poems exploring the seasonal countryside.

It will take place at the Mill House Cider Museum near Owermoigne on Thursday, October 3 from 7.30pm to 10pm. 

Alastair Braidwood said: "‘We’ve been performing versions of this show at the cider museum for the last couple of years, and they’ve proved very popular."

"It’s particularly special to perform this seasonal programme surrounded by the paraphernalia of cider-making from days of yore."

Audiences can help themselves to a free glass of mulled cider or apple juice on arrival, and the bar will remain open with over 30 different local ciders to try.

There will also be a raffle in aid of the volunteer blood bike group, YFW Bloodbikes.

Tickets for this concert are £14, and available from the museum’s website.