Care home staff have undertaken a mega trek of the Dorset coast to raise money and awareness of a vital charity.

The team at Maiden Castle House care home, on Gloucester Road, Dorchester walked for 26 miles from Charmouth to Weymouth, raising a grand total of £1,250 for Alzheimer’s Society.

The fundraising mission was completed by staff at the care home in honour of World Alzheimer’s Month which takes place throughout September.

Statistics published by Alzheimer’s Society suggest that more than 1.4 million people are expected to be living with dementia by 2040, and one in three people born in the UK today will be diagnosed with dementia in their lifetime.

Ash Smith, Home Manager for Maiden Castle House care home, said: “The journey was tough as it involved 10 hours of walking steep hills in very changeable weather, but despite our aches and pains, it was an incredible feeling to complete the walk together. We know how challenging it can be for our residents and their loved ones even before an official diagnosis is made, so we wanted to give back to Alzheimer’s Society who support people every step of the way.”

Claire Frost, Regional Fundraiser for Alzheimer's Society, said: "We are extremely grateful for the generous donation from Maiden Castle House, and for their amazing efforts in taking part in the 26-mile walk.

“Donations like this go towards providing help and hope for those living with dementia, developing cutting edge research and pushing for breakthroughs that will change the lives of people affected by dementia, now and in the future.”