Pupils and staff at a school in Dorchester have been recognised for yet another award - this time for the way money management is being taught.

The Prince of Wales School has been awarded the ‘HSBC Smart Money Award 2024’.

This national accolade recognises the school's commitment to fostering an age-appropriate understanding of finance among its pupils.

Cate Browne, maths coordinator at The Prince of Wales School, was 'delighted' with the award and believes teaching children about financial responsibilities is a 'crucial life skill'.

READ: Ofsted praises The Prince of Wales School in Dorchester

She said, “We are delighted to be recognised for our dedication to teaching financial literacy and responsible money management as part of our #InspiredToLearn curriculum.

"In today’s world, financial knowledge and confidence are crucial life skills. Our pupils have gained valuable insights, guidance and practical tips for making informed decisions about money.”

As part of the Learning First Alliance, the school chooses to prioritise a holistic education that equips all pupils with essential skills for a successful and well-rounded life.

It has partnered with HSBC to deliver the interactive financial literacy sessions, which engage the children in the practical learning experiences on offer

The HSBC UK Smart Money Award aims to enhance financial competence through tailored lessons and activities designed for specific age groups.

READ: Dorchester Prince of Wales School is Primary School of Year

By developing their financial knowledge, skills and attitudes, pupils are prepared for a successful financial future.

Gary Spracklen, headteacher at The Prince of Wales School has also praised the initiative.

He said:  “We understand the importance of teaching practical life skills, including money management, from a young age.

"We were excited to collaborate with HSBC in our school. The sessions have been both enjoyable and informative and the award is a wonderful recognition of our pupils’ hard work. Congratulations to everyone involved.”

The school is used to getting awards in recent months having been awarded the title of 'Primary School of the Year 2024' at the Google Reference Schools and Colleges (GRS&C) Awards Evening in London, in August.

In May the school was also visited by Ofsted for an ungraded inspection which revealed it 'might be outstanding'.