WORKS to protect the seawall at Chesil Cove are likely to be dictated by the Environment Agency .

A public meeting has been told the use of Portland stone in the project is unlikely – even though a local quarry could provide it, and the design will have to meet the Agency’s highest standards.

Several have argued against the proposal to import granite boulders to break up the power of the waves in order to protect the seawall – saying the granite would look out of place in an area which is famous for its own stone.

Others are unhappy that the 100-year design standards required by the Environment Agency could result in an ‘over-engineered’ scheme which takes away more beach than a design brief which might only meet a 30 or 40 year standard.

(Image: Dorset Council) (Image: Dorset Council) One contributor to Monday’s online consultation meeting argued that a lower design specification might allow Portland stone to be used in the project, giving time for better techniques to be developed, or to adapt the current proposals with the granite covered in Portland stone. A slightly lower standard could also mean less of the beach being taken up by engineering works.

Details of the proposals will be on display, with experts on hand to question, on Wednesday (25th) between 1.30pm and 4pm at the Portland Community Venue.

Both Dorset Council and the expert consultants, Jacobs, which are advising on the project, stressed that nothing has been finally decided about the ultimate design with the council first needing to put funding in place.

Esmari Steenkamp, the council’s coastal risk manager, and Ross Fitzgerald from Jacobs, which has researched the problem and possible solutions, both said that doing nothing is not an option – with the gradual decline potentially leading to further land slips and a risk to the main road and some houses.

Mr Fitzgerald said much of the land movement behind the seawall was being caused by a loss of weight, caused by erosion, at the toe of the structure with corrosion also resulting in a loss of material from behind the wall.

READ MORE: Fears the Chesil Cove seawall rocks proposal will harm beach

With all of the proposals the wall would be repaired and strengthened, with boulders added to the beach in front of the structure to lessen wave impact.

Mr Fitzgerald said there was mounting evidence of cracks and gullies opening up behind the wall, which indicated ground movement, and with the top of the cliff made up partially of quarry waste the whole area could eventually slip forward towards the sea – although he said an event on the scale of the 1857 West Weare landslip was not anticipated.

Jane McGregor told the meeting there was widespread concern about the loss of some of the beach, which many thought was the best swimming and diving spots on the island, and upset about the plans not including Portland Stone.

“I would implore you to use Portland Stone… the grey and black of the granite will look out of place. Even if it only lasts 40 years instead of 100 there might be a better solution by then” she said.

Mr Fitzgerald said that while he would also like to use local stone it was not supported by the Environment Agency guidelines which also insisted on a 100-year design brief,  and unless its requirements were met the scheme was unlikely to be approved or funded.

The preferred option for the works is to repair and strengthen the current 1965 seawall and to protect it with a rock armour revetment, extending 25metres seaward from its base, made up of two layers of 10-15 tonne granite rocks.

More details about the project are available on the dedicated webpage -