Residents and staff at a care home in Weymouth have completed a pirate themed walk to raise cash for a good cause.

Residents, staff and family from Buxton House - a residential and dementia care home on Radipole Lane, Weymouth - walked from Café Oasis to the Pavilion to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society whilst dressed as pirates.

This topped off a week of pirate-themed activities including sea shanty singing, pirate arts and crafts and rum-based cocktail making.

A spokesperson for Buxton House said: "Buxton House' residents, staff and family walked the plank today from Café Oasis to the Pavilion to fundraise for Alzheimer's Society.

"So far we have raised £300 and counting."

Alzheimer's Society is a UK care and research charity for people with dementia and their carers.