A determined Dorset fundraiser is putting his best foot forward for an ultra-marathon to support vulnerable communities around the world.

On Saturday, October 19, Eric Jager, 68, from Sherborne, will be running from dawn to dusk, past some 25 churches, to raise money for international development agency Christian Aid.

Eric, who attends St Paul's Church in the north Dorset town, has previously completed several sponsored runs and says this one will be his last before ‘real old age’ hits him.

He said: “I’m aiming to do this ultramarathon ‘steeples’ chase, quadrathlon-style, which means I will run, jog, walk or stagger from the start in Sherborne, through the Dorset countryside.

“I’ve done several charity runs in my life - increasing the distance each time - and this will be my final one.

"It’s going to be a challenge; I’m 68 and I aim to make this the longest run, if not in kilometres, at least in hours.

"I’ve been training by upping my distance and number of hours over the summer, going out three times a week.”

Eric is planning to enlist friends from the Sherborne Running Club SPFit and Trail Trotters runners to help him pace himself and navigate.

His support of Christian Aid began after he and his wife met a volunteer for the charity who had travelled to see the work of the charity’s local partners in places like South Sudan.

He added: “My wife and I both worked overseas for several years and were in Khartoum, Sudan at one point.

"We feel an affinity with the people there and admire the way Christian Aid stands in solidarity with communities trapped in humanitarian crises.

"We also appreciate the way it doesn’t shy away from advocacy, here in the UK, for global issues: by engaging with UK decision-makers such as MPs; by frequently organising topical webinars; and by the way they provide creative campaign ideas for local Christian Aid Groups to engage with issues in their own communities.

"I’d summarize the charity’s work with the phrase ‘faith-in-action’, which is for me what being a follower of Christ is all about.”      

Eric has set a fundraising target of £1,000. The money raised will go towards projects Christian Aid is funding, run by local partners in countries around the world.

The charity supports millions of people in the most vulnerable communities around the world and last year, reached 3.3 million people through 275 programmes, from savings and loans associations to farming co-operatives, and climate disaster risk training to healthcare schemes. 

To support Eric visit his fundraising page at www.fundraise.christianaid.org.uk/fundraiser-2024/ericjager.