Weymouth Beach will be the venue for a grand concert to mark the 80th anniversary of VE Day - the official end of the Second World War in Europe.

The stirring concert of live music with songs from the 1940s and people waving flags and enjoying picnics will be the perfect way to mark the historic occasion, councillors have said.

Victory in Europe Day, also known as VE Day, on May 8, 1945 is the day which saw the formal acceptance by the allies in the Second World War of Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.

Weymouth has a strong tradition of honouring veterans and staging big events and this year saw a bumper D-Day commemoration.

The town council's Environment and Services Committee met to consider how the town should celebrate the occasion on Saturday, May 10 next year.

The five proposals which included a live music community concert, a seafront firework display, a promenade street party, small grants for community celebrations and a picnic and craft fair. 

The council voted in favour of the live concert on Weymouth beach which will include a mix of genres, with a specific focus on songs from the Second World War-era. 

People would be encouraged to bring blankets, chairs, and picnics to create a relaxed, festival-like atmosphere. 

Cllr Louie O'Leary said this type of immersive event is fitting for the VE Day commemoration, saying: "World War 2 is a big historical moment.

"On the home front side of it a lot of people will think of the music side of with iconic songs from the likes of Vera Lynn and Glen Miller etc."

Cllr Peter Dickenson also spoke out in support of the live music event but also offering a total fund of £3,500 for community groups wishing to celebrate VE Day.

Each group could apply for up to £350 to go towards costs of these community events including food and refreshments, decorations, entertainment, equipment and materials, displays and educational activities, venue hire and insurance.   

The council voted in favour of both options. 

There will also be a Dig for Victory-inspired competition to grow fruit and veg, especially at the council’s allotment sites. More details will be publicised in due course. 

Weymouth Town Council will also waive site fees for events held on council land on 8th May, provided they are associated with VE Day and are community or charity led.