COUNCIL leaders in Dorset have voiced their "shock and disappointment" over the government's decision to grant planning permission for a £100 million incinerator on Portland.

The decision has been described as "ignoring the views of thousands of Dorset residents".

As reported, junior minister Rushanara Ali has given the controversial plan the green light on behalf of the Secretary of State after a planning inspector recommended that an appeal be allowed and planning permission be granted.

READ MORE: Planning permission granted for Portland incinerator

The original proposal - for the waste to energy plant at Portland Port - had been rejected by Dorset Council prompting an appeal - and a public inquiry.

The minister said she agreed with the planning inspector that the incinerator would "not appear out of scale, or out of place."

The decision by the government has been criticised by Dorset Council, Weymouth Town Council, Portland Town Council and South Dorset MP Lloyd Hatton.

Cllr Nick Ireland, Leader of Dorset Council, said: “It is regrettable that the Deputy Prime Minister has overridden the decision of Dorset Council to refuse the planning application for the incinerator.

"This ignores the views of thousands of Dorset residents, who oppose the burning of waste on the Jurassic coastline for environmental, economic, and health reasons.

“Portland residents have already coped with the disruption caused by the presence of the Bibby Stockholm barge – another decision imposed by central government - against the wishes of local residents and Dorset Council.

"They now face the prospect of a large-scale incinerator being built on their doorstep, in the middle of a UNESCO World Heritage site, with all the consequences that go along with it.

“We are currently reviewing the contents of the Planning Inspector’s report, and speaking with government representatives to find out what they intend to do to support Portlanders and the wider community, to mitigate the negative impacts this decision will bring.”

Reacting to the decision that the Secretary of State made to grant planning permission for the incinerator at Portland, the Chair of Portland Town Council, Cllr Sue Cocking and the Mayor of Weymouth, Cllr Jon Orrell have issued a joint statement.

The statement said: “Both Portland and Weymouth Town Councils are shocked and disappointed that despite repeated opposition and numerous concerns raised by both Councils, local groups, and residents, the planning permission for the development of an energy recovery facility (waste incinerator) at Portland Port, Castletown has been granted.

“Both Councils stand by their objections due to traffic generation, pollution risks to both the environment and people, and visual impacts to the world-renowned Jurassic Coast.”

South Dorset MP Lloyd Hatton also voiced his disappointment at the news.

Mr Hatton said: "I am frustrated and disappointed with today’s planning decision regarding the appeal to build an incinerator at Portland Port.

"I will continue to work alongside local campaigners to oppose this ill-conceived proposal. And I will continue to help secure investment that will deliver well-paid green jobs on our doorstep.

"I desperately want to see South Dorset transform into a hub for clean, renewable energy instead."