A ROAD going through a Dorset village is to be closed for fibre installation works to be carried out.

Valley Road in Tarrant Keyneston will be shut from October 7 to enable Wessex Internet safe access to carry out the works.

It is anticipated that the works will be completed by October 18. Access to properties will be maintained.

All vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along Valley Road, Tarrant Keyneston in its entirety.

A locally signed diversion route will be put in place to enable traffic to travel around the closed sections.

The order is needed in order to comply with health and safety regulations, which require the provision of safe working areas and to minimise the likelihood of danger to highway users.

For more information about the work being undertaken and access arrangements, call Wessex Internet on 0333 240 7997.

For further information concerning this Order please call Dorset Highways Traffic Team on 01305 221020.

Any person who uses or permits the use of a vehicle in contravention of the notice will be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1000.