A trial bus service, stopping at west Dorset villages, will continue running into next year. 

As reported, bus firm First is serving the villages of Martinstown and Winterbourne Steepleton as a trial by diverting its X51 service from Weymouth to Bridport and Axminster.

The trial began in May and ran until September when passenger numbers were reviewed to assess the route’s long-term viability.

First has now confirmed that the trial will be extended to cover the winter months running until March 31, 2025.  

Les Scarth, a Martinstown resident and member of Dorchester Transport Action Group (DTAG) has been campaigning to reinstate the service and is delighted it will continue into the following year. 

He said: "This is excellent news as the trial has improved the lives of so many villagers who have used the bus for shopping, socialising and medical appointments without the exorbitant cost of taxis.

"It has also reduced the number of car journeys and hence eased the problems of both pollution and parking in Dorchester, Bridport and beyond." 

Les Scarth, a Martinstown resident who has been campaigning to reinstate the bus service Les Scarth, a Martinstown resident who has been campaigning to reinstate the bus service (Image: Les Scarth)

The villages used to have a service until the bus operator decided, in 2014, that it was taking too long to divert from the main road.

Following a lengthy campaign by residents and members of the Dorchester Transport Action Group, the trial route was introduced operating seven days a week with around a 2-hour frequency during the day. 

While Stewart Palmer, chair of (DTAG) agrees that this is a good step forward for village residents, he is urging people to continue using the service so that it can one day become a permanent fixture.  

He said: “We’re so pleased that the trial is continuing but we would like for it to be a permanent fixture. However, we’re pleased that First Bus agreed to do the trial and that it is continuing.

MartinstownMartinstown (Image: Freelance)

“We will do everything as DTAG to encourage locals to use it throughout the winter months. This is because on the whole, there is a lot less leisure use of buses in winter than in summer months.

“Nevertheless, it’s good news for Martinstown and Winterbourne Steepleton as people who don’t have access to a car in these villages can make journeys to Bridport and Dorchester."

Dorchester Town Council councillor for Poundbury, Richard Briggs, has also welcomed the news. 

He said: "It's excellent news I know this will will be very welcome to the many users.

"Transport links in rural areas are so important in connecting communities and allowing people to access wider services including work all of which helps local economic growth.

"I hope it remains well used so that it can remain a viable service. Well done campaigners who worked so hard for this and for First Bus for reinstating the service."