The owners of a west Dorset car park at the centre of a storm about new charges and times have responded after people's concerns.

As reported, people are furious following major and sudden changes to Eype Beach car park which is catching out motorists.

Unsuspecting visitors have been receiving hefty fines after the car park operation was taken over by Euro Car Parks.

As well as new charges and the threat of fines, there is no parking allowed between 9pm and 8am - preventing drivers visiting the beauty spot in the evening.

Previously there was an honesty box at the site and people were able to visit there in the late evening - although there was no overnight parking allowed. 

Now Euro Car Parks is in charge it has been heavily enforcing car parking rules with the use of automatic numberplate recognition cameras and issuing fines of up to £100 to those parking after 9pm and others who are running late.

The car park land is co-owned by Banbury-based George Wingfield Digby.

In a statement he said: “We, as owners of the beach car park at Eype, regret if the new payment system has caused any upset but would respectfully point out that over the last 15 years or so of our current ownership it has never been free; and furthermore overnight parking or camping have both been forbidden from the outset over 60 years ago.

“It is hoped that the new tariff structure, as clearly signed and shown in the (previous article) on September 5, reflects more fairly the length of stay and all visitors are welcome to use and enjoy it.”

People who have used the car park under the new operation claim there are not enough clear signs warning drivers of the new changes.

Those upset by the changes included Mary Noon from Morcombelake who visited the site ‘looking for solace' following the death of her father-in-law which meant a long journey to see relatives.

In her distracted state, she hadn’t realised that Euro Car Parks had taken over and had only stopped off to have a break from her three-hour-long drive to find ‘peace and calm.’ She was issued with a £100 fine.