A man assaulted police officers during an arrest, a court heard.

Joshua Roche, 27, appeared in Weymouth Magistrates Court where he admitted two counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker and one count of obstructing/ resisting a constable in the execution of duty. 

The charge relates to an incident on June 2, 2024.

Christina Norgan, prosecuting, said: "Police were called to a report of a domestic incident on London Road in Dorchester. 

"The defendant was then arrested but had to be restrained on the floor when he resisted."

The court heard how one officer grazed an elbow during the resisted arrest and further officers arrived on the scene. 

The defendant, of Inglescombe Street, Poundbury, was taken to Weymouth Custody where he kicked a second police officer causing "immediate pain" and tried to bite them on the left shoulder.

The court was told Roche has 12 previous convictions for 16 offences, including battery. 

Patricia Sheehan, mitigating, said: "He is still friends with his previous partner who was mentioned in this incident. 

"Unfortunately he was arrested due to an allegation he assaulted his partner when he did not.

"He was drunk when arrested and did not deal with it the best way. 

"He had a regrettable lapse through alcohol use."

She also told the court that Roche has had no more convictions since 2021 and he has been on "an incredible journey" to better himself.

Ms Sheehan added that Roche has a history of alcohol misuse but is now in a better situation having been consistently working and recently securing accommodation. 

Stephen Takel, chair of the magistrates’ bench told Roche: "The assault committed was against someone just turning up and doing their job.

"This makes it more serious than it would have been if it were two people arguing in a pub."

Roche was given a community order of 12 months with a requirement to carry out 30 rehabilitation activity days. 

He must also complete 120 hours of unpaid work in the community. 

Roche must also pay £100 in compensation to each officer.