Dorset Council has been left frustrated after facing delays to its multi-million-pound regeneration project.

As previously reported, work started on regeneration to Weymouth Quay, the area of harbour land behind the Weymouth Pavillion. Starting in October, the works were due to take six months, and were supposed to be completed by April. It has been designed to create new facilities for fishing, charter and harbourside businesses, in a bid to improve the public space.

Aerial view of Weymouth Quay regenerationAerial view of Weymouth Quay regeneration (Image: Graham Hunt Photography) The improvements are thanks to a grant of £3.79m which was awarded to the then Weymouth & Portland Borough Council, in partnership with Weymouth Area Development Trust, in March 2019 from the Government’s Coastal Communities Fund.

The bid was submitted on behalf of the Weymouth Coastal Community Team. The pavilion and car park on the peninsula will not be affected by the developments.

Weymouth Quay Regeneration Project zoned areasWeymouth Quay Regeneration Project zoned areas (Image: Dorset Council)

Now, the council say they are frustrated after the electricity has not been connected by the suppliers.

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: “The majority of the improvements to the Quay area are now complete.

“However, we are reliant on Scottish and Southern Electricity (SSE) to connect the new facilities to the National Grid so they can be commissioned. This was scheduled for August, but due to reasons beyond our control this didn't happen and we are awaiting a revised connection date.

“We are frustrated at the current situation and are grateful to the local fishermen for their patience.

“Once the final connections have been made, the equipment can be tested, and the completion of safety and compliance checks can be carried out and the facilities can be opened for use.”

The spokesperson added that a number of the upgrades to the facilities have been completed.

This includes facilities for the commercial fishing industry, such as modernising catch landing areas, improved storage, ice and welfare facilities and ensuring better access for fishing vessels, which they are hoping makes operations smoother, whilst also being more cost-effective for the area’s fishermen.

Photo of the car park at the peninsulaPhoto of the car park at the peninsula (Image: Cristiano Magaglio) Information on signage, new benches along the public walkway, and adjustments to the commercial lighting and general site maintenance have also been carried out during this time.

Photo of the car park at the peninsulaPhoto of the car park at the peninsula (Image: Cristiano Magaglio) Andy Alcock, vice secretary of the Weymouth Fishing Association, remains sceptical as to when the work will be completed, and added that there has been a lot of 'ifs and buts' over when the project will be finished since May. He said: “We weren’t using the area before, so we are not missing it now.”

Photo of the Pavilion from the car parkPhoto of the Pavilion from the car park (Image: Cristiano Magaglio) A Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks spokesperson said: "Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks is eager to see the project at Weymouth Quay completed and used for its intended purpose.

"We’ve already completed nearly all of the required works. A final connection is still outstanding, but for this to proceed, we require the necessary land rights to be granted, and we hope the council will do this as soon as it can.

"Once this has been done, we will schedule the works to complete this project, and carry them out as safely and quickly as possible."