A woman has been told she is on her “last chance” after stealing from a supermarket.

Lauren Weekes, aged 36, of Castle Close, Dorchester, pleaded guilty after stealing £120.05 worth of items from ASDA on Newstead Road, Weymouth.

This incident happened on September 9, 2023, just a month after Weekes had been being given a conditional discharge for shoplifting on August 26.

This new offence meant she breached the conditions of her previous discharge.

Christina Norgan, prosecuting, told Weymouth Magistrates’ Court that while on mobile patrol at 9.50pm, police officers noticed someone leaving the store by the fire exit, carrying a basket full of items.

READ MORE: Woman stole £120 worth of items a month after shoplifting conviction

Two men were with the defendant, both unknown to police officers.

Weekes was given another 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £111 in costs and surcharge which would be deducted from her benefits.

Kenneth Sharpe, mitigating, said Weekes “ticked all the boxes” in terms of avoiding re-offending while on bail. 

He said that she had "successfully" dealt with potential triggers during this time such as drug use and peer group concerns. 

Stephen Takel, chair of the Magistrates’ bench told Weekes: “Listen carefully to what’s been said.

“As you have continued to engage well in the period you were on unconditional bail, we are going to take no action on the breach of conditional discharge.

“We are imposing another conditional discharge of 12 months. Bear in mind that this will hang over you and this is the last chance you’ve got. You should stay with the recommendations and keep engaging well.

“It’s very unlikely you will be given the same chance again.”