A devoted daughter has set herself a challenge of walking 30 miles throughout the month of September to honour her step-father.

Kaye Blower, 58, from Portland, is taking on the challenge to raise funds for Dementia UK. 

This is a cause close to Kaye's heart as her stepfather Alan Worton, 85, has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. 

Kaye Blower is fundraising for Dementia UKKaye Blower is fundraising for Dementia UK (Image: Kaye Blower)

She said: “I’m doing the challenge in honour of Alan who's been my stepdad for over 40 years.

"I want to raise awareness of the cruel and horrible nature of the disease and raise funds which will support both dementia sufferers and their family members."

The minimum distance for the challenge is one mile a day and participants receive a pink fundraising t-shirt to wear during their walks. 

Kaye said she has been walking across the island spurred on by seeing the effect vascular dementia has had on her stepfather. 

She added: "He lives in the Midlands but I get sent pics and videos and I can see him gradually deteriorating. It’s awful and cruel.”

“He is currently in a home and my mum goes to see him every day. 

"He’s got long term memory but if you tell him things within an hour he will forget. It’s not a nice thing but you don’t think about it until it hits close to home."

Participants in the challenge can also join a Facebook group to connect with each other. 

Kaye's father Alan WortonKaye's father Alan Worton (Image: Kaye Blower)

Despite facing wet weather on her walks, Kaye feels proud of herself for pushing through and has been touched by the support online and from people she passes on her walks. 

She said: "I clock it on my smart watch and post pictures every day into the Facebook group.

"On one of my walks I bumped into someone I know. I told him what I was doing and he put his hands in his pocket to give something.

“I’ve wanted to walk further as the days go by. It's the thought of my dad that's inspiring me."

"I know he would be proud."

You can donated to Kaye's fundraiser on her Facebook group: https://tinyurl.com/43wv5kzd