A free lunchtime concert will be held in Dorchester featuring works from classical giants.

It will take place at St Peter's Church, High East Street, Dorchester, on Saturday, September 21 between 12.30pm and 1pm.

The concert will be given by soprano Sue Adams, pianist Ian Davis and Natalie Burton on the clarinet. They will be performing Schubert’s The shepherd on the rock ’ as well as other songs and music for clarinet including works by Handel and Mozart.

Admission is free and all are invited to attend. 

The concert is part of the Music at St Peter's series which champions the Anglican choral tradition through community music-making.

Regular events are held at the High East Street church, which includes choral evensong, eucharist and concerts.

You can find more information by visiting the Music at St Peter's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/musicatstpetersdorch/