A car was seized after police witnessed a man driving with his friend on the bonnet.

An unmarked police car witnessed the car driving in an 'anti-social' manner in the Top O' Town Car Park in Dorchester at around 12.20am today.

The driver had previously been warned, meaning police were able to seize the car.

He was reported for careless and inconsiderate driving.

A spokesperson for Dorchester Police said: "Neighbourhood Officers seized a vehicle under Section 59 Police Reform Act, after it was seen driving anti-socially in the Top O’ Town Car Park, Dorchester.

"We have recently been made aware of vehicle-related anti-social behaviour at the location, so we have increased patrols in the area when possible.

"Unfortunately for this driver, he didn’t see Officers parked up in an unmarked police car, before he drove around recklessly with a friend led across his bonnet.

"He had also previously been the recipient of a Section 59 Warning, which meant his vehicle could be seized on this occasion.

"A payment will now have to be made before the vehicle can be released. The driver has also been reported for careless and inconsiderate driving.

"Patrols of the location will continue."