MOTORISTS in the Dorchester area are being warned of the risk of leaving valuable items in cars when visiting beauty spots in the area.

PCSOs (Police Community Support Officers) from Dorchester Police have been out on patrol visiting popular beauty spot car parks and carrying out foot patrol in villages.

A police spokesman says opportunist thieves target vehicles with valuables inside left on show.

"Sadly, the good weather may bring out the criminals and most thefts from vehicles are opportunist.

"If valuable possessions such as handbags, laptops, mobile phones are left on show inside a vehicle, it is much more likely to be targeted by thieves.

"Even items of little value, such as shopping bags and clothing, may tempt a potential thief to break into the vehicle to see whether they contain anything worth stealing."

Dorset Police has issued the following advice to residents:

-Before you leave home, think about what you need and leave any unnecessary items of value at home.

-Try to park in sign-posted parking areas.

-Be cautious about parking your car in isolation. Thieves can be put off when other people are around.

-Do not leave anything in your vehicle. A jacket or coat left behind may be of very little value to you, but a thief may think it has been used to hide a laptop or handbag and will break into your vehicle to find out.

-Take items with you rather than locking them in the boot, you can’t be sure who has seen you do this.

-Make sure you do not leave documents which have your personal details on in your vehicle.

-Remember to lock all windows and sunroofs and lock all doors. Try the handle to check it's locked and look inside again to make sure you haven’t left anything behind.

-Make use of any security products you might have such as steering locks.

-Whilst enjoying the sights make sure you keep your bag and possessions with you.