A father and son duo will audition for a national TV show next month performing magic.

Russell Andrews, 44, and his son Alfie, 10, of Weymouth, will travel to London for Britain’s Got Talent auditions on Sunday, September 15.

Mr Andrews has auditioned for the show twice before - once with his own display back in 2008, and again when he taught a group of young children a set of magic tricks in 2015, but never heard back from the producers.

He is hoping this third audition - the first time performing with Alfie - will be third time lucky. 

Mr Andrews, who works at Snookes snooker and pool club in Weymouth, said: “The first attempt was a shot in the dark and I was not prepared. This time, I have been thinking more on the creative process and I’ve thought differently about it.”

After moving to Weymouth from north London in 2000, Mr Andrews said he turned his life around by performing tricks.

He said: “Back in London I was a card shark, a gambler- I used to cheat in poker games.

“I bumped into a magician when I was out at a bar one night in Weymouth and he asked if I fancied using my card skills for entertainment, instead of poker.

“It didn’t have the same buzz to start with, but it definitely has by now,” he joked.

Since getting involved in the world of magic, Mr Andrews has released DVDs and conducted lectures on magic, as well as appearing at weddings, parties and venues around the country.

Mr Andrews said that his tricks have influenced Alfie to get more involved in the world of magic.

He said: “My son is magic mad. He always goes to school with a deck of cards. I remember one day at school when the kids had to dress as what they want to be when they are older, Alfie turned up as a cocktail bar magician."

On whether he and Alfie are nervous for their appearance in front of the judges, Mr Andrews said: “I’m personally fine, and Alfie is buzzing but he’s been clued up.”

He remains tight lipped on what can be expected of the pair, but said: “We’re not doing a standard trick- it will give Sixth Sense vibes.”

The magician said social media ‘exploded’ after the pair shared the news.

Mr Andrews is available for functions and can be reached on 07763137543.