PURBECK Police have found nitrous oxide canisters littered in the Lulworth and Durdle Door area.

Whilst on patrol on August 14, officers in Wareham found several canisters of nitrous oxide with balloons littered on the ground.

Although legal for cooking purposes, the canisters are known to be taken for recreational purposes which Purbeck police made clear is illegal. 

A spokesperson for Purbeck Police said: "Whilst out on patrol today in the Lulworth/ Durdle Door area, Wareham PCSOs were alerted by staff that several canisters of Nitrous oxide and balloons were found littered around.

"While these canisters may be used for cooking purposes using them for other purposes is illegal.

"Nitrous oxide is now a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, making possession and sale for recreational purposes a criminal offence.

"Those caught with Nitrous Oxide for unlawful use face a caution, community service or an unlimited fine.

"Repeat offenders could serve up to two years in prison"