The Mayor of Bridport attended the opening of a new nature trail in a much-loved community meadow. 

The trail, conceived by Nicola Dennis from the Asker Nature Reserve Project (ANRP) runs from East Street and through the nature reserve as far as Morrisons, aiming to highlight the value of Asker Meadows as a place for nature and relaxation.

The area is a much-loved and much-used green space close to the heart of Bridport and provides much-needed green space for wildlife, community events, walkers and their dogs and a route for cyclists.

The community gathered for the official opening of the new nature trail on July 31, with Bridport mayor Anne Rickard cutting the ribbon leading to the trail. 

She said: "We all love Asker Meadows and are so lucky to have this space. I regularly cycle and walk here and I want to thank the Nature Reserve group for creating this trail which I think will enhance people's enjoyment of the space even more.

"Many people who pass through Asker Meadows may not realise it's a Nature Reserve and the habitats and features it has.

Asker MeadowsAsker Meadows (Image: Finbarr Webster)

"We wanted to provide accessible information and to encourage more people to stop for a while with ears and eyes open."

Along the trail, there are waymark with concise information about the species at the reserve which include swifts, swallows and martins over the river in the summer, egrets in the weir and the blue flash of passing kingfishers.

The reserve is also a habitat for more elusive species such as otters and water voles, and birds from tiny goldcrests to visiting cormorants.

Each post has a QR code which links to more detailed information on a newly designed website.

Brian Atkinson, chair of the ANRP, said: "One of the aims of ANRP is to enhance public access to the nature reserve and appreciation of it, and we feel that this project is very much in line with that aim."

The trail was funded by Wessex Water's Community Connectors fund and, as well as the Asker group, has involved support from local schoolchildren, builders, woodworkers, IT experts and volunteers who visit the meadows.

Over the last five years Bridport Town Council working with the Asker Meadows Nature Reserve Group has undertaken a number of practical improvements driven by the management plan covering 2019- 2025.

Public opinion's are now being sought on how the meadows can be improved.

If you're interested in sharing your thoughts, you can do so by email to, by collecting a specially designed card from the Tourist Information Centre.